Katrina Dog Rescue

Katrina Dog Rescue
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Ironton Pet Shelter OH
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Galax Carroll Grayson AS VA
Giles County AS VA
Greensville County AS VA
Lee County Pound VA
Russell County Shelter VA
Scott County Shelter VA
Smyth County Shelter VA
Spotsylvania County AS VA
Sussex County Shelter VA
Tazewell Dog Shelter VA
Boxer Rescue NC
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Largest Pet Rescue Operation in History

When Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana, more than 250,000 pets were left to fend for themselves. Some owners had left food and water for their pets expecting to return within a few days. Those travelling on goverment provided transport were not permitted to take their pets with them and had to leave them behind.

The owners were unable to return for their pets and the food ran out. Dogs and cats were forced to survive without their owners. Animal rescuers, shelters and Humane Societies from all over the USA and Canada sent volunteers to the flooded area to rescue as many animals as they could. They searched flooded towns house by house looking for pets that had been locked in. Thousands of lucky pets were rescued and transported to rehoming centers in the USA and Canada. Some of the dogs and cats were reunited with their owners months later, others found a new home. Some people are still looking for their pets.

Dana Deutsch: "Most of you following my photostreams are aware of the two previous trips to New Orleans and Gulfport, MS area I have made. I thought I had seen some horrible things, which I had. The two of them together can begin the equal the horrible things I saw on this trip. I went down as part of Operation Bring Animals Home. We had a four person team and were out for Search and Rescue. Caution, there are some pictures that might be upsetting. There are stories regarding dogs shot in high schools. Some of those pictures are included. We were at two of the high schools that this happened in. The reasons this happened are not known. I just know that if this was done out of hate, I hope whoever did this pays. I have some very graphic photos of the dogs that I will not put on, but will give yall an idea of what it was like being there."

Click here to see the photo's of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

Katrina Dogs See the Story of Bubbles locked in a house with no food or water for seven weeks

Katrina Dogs Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans video of photo's of rescued pets

Katrina Dogs Animal Rescue Following Hurricane Katrina Volunteers from the Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County

Katrina Dogs My Katrina Rescue Trips by Dana Deutsch Photo's taken by a pet rescuer

Katrina Dogs Save the Shelter Pets - Adopt a homeless dog or cat

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" - Mahatma Gandhi

We Want You To Adopt A Shelter Pet
North Shore Animal League America

For information about this website e-mail the webmaster at webmaster@katrinadogrescue.org

Page updated: July 7th 2024
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